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Investigative Services

  • Accident Investigation / Reconstruction

  • Accident Witness Interviews

  • AOE/COE (Workers’ Compensation) Investigations

  • Applicant Honesty / Employment Verifications

  • Asset Searches & Movements

  • Auto Theft Investigations

  • Background Investigations

  • Civil / Pre-Trial Investigations

  • Corporate Due Diligence / Background Investigations

  • Computer / E-mail Tracing & Tracking

  • Domestic / Relationships / Family Law Investigations

  • Employee Theft / Corporate Espionage

  • Fraud Investigations

  • Employment / HR Investigations / Internal & External

  • Identity Theft Investigations

  • Judgment Collections / Enforcement

  • Jury Polling / Interviews

  • Major Incident Investigations

  • Photography for Trial / Exhibits

    • Available Light Photography

    • Correlative Photography

    • Insurance Photography / Videography

    • Surveillance Video

  • Pre-Employment Background Investigations

  • Public Document Searches

  • Subrogation Investigations

  • Surveillance (Subrosa) / Activity Checks

  • Tenant & Neighborhood Investigations

  • Undercover Operations / Investigations

  • Witness Locates & Interviews

Background Investigations

  • Asset Searches / Asset Background Investigations

  • Business Due Diligence / Merger Acquisitions

  • Civil Record Background Investigations

  • Corporate Due Diligence Background

  • Financial Background Investigations

    • Judgment Investigations

    • In compliance with FCRA

  • Identity Verifications / Confirmation

  • Pre-employment Background Investigations

    • In compliance with FCRA, DPPA & GLBA

  • Property Record Background Verifications

  • Public Records Checks / Backgrounds / Verifications

  • Renter / Roommate Background Investigations

  • Resume Verifications

Specialized Databases

  • Asset Searches & Verification

  • Background Searches – Due Diligence

  • Bank Account Searches (FCRA Compliant)

  • Bankruptcy, Liens & Judgments

  • Birth Parent Locates

  • Business Credit History (FCRA Compliant)

  • Civil Docket Checks

  • Credit Reports (Per FCRA Regulations)

  • Court Records Verification / Copies

  • Criminal Conviction Records

  • Consumer Public Filings

  • Contractors State Licensing Board

  • Corporations/Limited Partnership

  • Death Certificates

  • Divorce Records & Extrapolation

  • DMV Driving Records

  • DMV- Vehicle / Boat Registration

  • Dunn & Bradstreet Reports

  • Marriage Certificates

  • Medical / Pharmacy / Clinic Canvasses

  • Municipal, Superior & Federal Courts

  • O.S.H.A. Searches

  • Patriot Act Searches

  • Professional Licenses (Nationwide-All types)

  • Real Property Verification (Nationwide)

  • Registered Voter Information

  • Social Security Number Information

  • U.C.C. Filings

  • Unlisted/Criss-Cross Telephone Numbers

  • Vessel Locates / Vessel Registration

Field Investigations

  • Accident Investigations

    • Automobile Accidents

    • Municipality, State & Federal Personal Injury Cases

    • Slip & Fall / Trip & Fall

    • Personal Injury

    • Workers’ Compensation Investigations

      • AOE/COE Investigations

      • Subrogation Investigations

      • Surveillance Investigations

  • Domestic / Family Law / Surveillance

    • Cheating Spouse / Significant Other

    • Child Custody Investigations / Surveillance

    • Divorce Cases

      • Asset Searches

      • Employment Searches / Verification

  • Locates of Individuals, Personal Property, Hidden Assets

    • Civil Defendant Locates

    • Family Member / Heir Locates

    • Natural Birth Parent Locates

    • Witness Locates

  • Probates, Estates & Trusts

    • Locate Heirs & Family Members

    • Locate & Investigation of Assets / Information

Asset / Financial


  • Real Estate Holdings

  • Business Entities & Corporations

  • Hidden Assets

  • Financial Records Analysis

  • Business Partnerships & Ownership

  • Vehicle Ownership

  • Legal Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments

  • Digital Footprints

  • Bank Account Searches

  • Intellectual Property

  • Income Sources

  • Retirement Accounts

  • Brokerage Accounts

  • Offshore Accounts & Holdings

  • OSINT - Open Source Intelligence

  • Embezzalment

The Special Investigations Unit Services

Asset Search

Asset Searches

Asset searches are a specialized service provided by private investigation firms to locate and assess the financial holdings and properties of individuals or entities. It involves thorough research and analysis of various public records, databases, and other sources to uncover details such as real estate holdings, bank accounts, investments, vehicles, and other valuable assets. This information is crucial for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, debt collection, divorce settlements, and financial planning. Asset searches require a combination of investigative skills, access to relevant databases, and a deep understanding of financial documentation and legal procedures.

Asset Searches
Background Investigations
Background Investigations

Background Investigations

Background investigations conducted by a private investigation firm involve the comprehensive gathering and analysis of information about an individual's personal, professional, and financial history. These investigations aim to provide a clear and detailed picture of a person's background, enabling clients to make informed decisions. They typically include:


  1. Personal Information: This covers basic details like name, date of birth, social security number, aliases, family members, and contact information.

  2. Criminal Records: This involves searching for any criminal convictions, arrests, or pending charges at local, state, and federal levels.

  3. Education and Employment History: Verification of academic credentials, degrees, certifications, and a thorough examination of the individual's work history, including positions held, dates of employment, and reasons for leaving.

  4. Financial Standing: This includes credit reports, bankruptcies, liens, judgments, and any other financial indicators that may be relevant.

  5. Social Media and Online Presence: Monitoring social media accounts, online forums, and other web-based platforms to gather insights into the person's behavior, affiliations, and activities.

  6. References and Interviews: Contacting personal and professional references to confirm the individual's character, work ethic, and reputation.

  7. Driving Records: Examining the individual's driving history for any traffic violations, accidents, or license suspensions.

  8. Property Ownership and Assets: Investigating real estate holdings, vehicles, and other valuable assets owned by the individual.

  9. Legal History and Civil Litigation: Researching any past or ongoing lawsuits, disputes, or legal proceedings involving the individual.

  10. Social Circles and Associations: Identifying the individual's social connections, professional affiliations, and memberships in organizations or groups.

  11. Media Coverage and Public Records: Scouring newspapers, magazines, and public records for any mentions or articles related to the individual.

  12. Surveillance (if applicable): Observing and documenting the subject's activities in public spaces, if legally permissible and relevant to the investigation.


Overall, a background investigation conducted by a private investigation firm aims to provide a comprehensive and accurate overview of an individual's history, helping clients make informed decisions for various purposes, such as employment screening, due diligence, legal proceedings, or personal matters. It's crucial that these investigations are conducted ethically and within the bounds of applicable laws and regulations.

Field Investigations

Field Investigations

Field investigations conducted by private investigation firms involve physical, on-the-ground research and fact-finding activities. These investigations are typically carried out by trained investigators who gather information through direct observations, interviews, and site visits. Field investigations play a crucial role in providing real-time, context-specific insights that complement background research. Key aspects of a field investigation may include:


  1. Surveillance: Skilled observation of an individual's activities, movements, and interactions in public spaces. This may involve discreetly tracking a subject to gather evidence or confirm information.

  2. Witness Interviews: Engaging with individuals who may have relevant information about a case. This could involve speaking with neighbors, colleagues, friends, or other parties connected to the subject of the investigation.

  3. Site Visits: Physically inspecting locations of interest, such as residences, workplaces, or places associated with the subject. This can provide valuable context and corroborate information.

  4. Evidence Collection: Gathering physical evidence, such as photographs, videos, documents, or objects, that can be used to support the investigation's findings.

  5. Record Retrieval: Visiting public offices or archives to obtain official documents, records, or other forms of tangible evidence relevant to the case.

  6. Undercover Operations (if applicable): In situations where covert approaches are legally permissible and necessary, investigators may adopt undercover roles to gain access to specific environments or individuals.

  7. Physical Security Assessments: Evaluating the security measures in place at a location, which can be crucial in cases involving potential risks or security breaches.

  8. Crisis Response (if applicable): Providing immediate on-site support in situations where there's an urgent need for intervention or protection.


Field investigations are particularly valuable in cases where direct, real-time information is essential, such as in surveillance operations, insurance fraud cases, or legal disputes. It allows private investigators to gather information that may not be available through traditional research methods alone. Importantly, field investigations must be conducted ethically, with respect for privacy and within the bounds of legal and regulatory requirements

Field Investigations
Financial Investigations

Financial Investigations

Why the Financial Analysis is needed and what it can do for the client.

A Financial Investigator will work alongside Attorneys to determine the documents that need to be subpoenaed and requested to help support the facts of tabulating and analyzing the true income and expenses for all parties to a case or investigation.

Financial analysis can be utilized to identify illegal or unknown sources of income and hidden assets that were unknown by the plaintiff or defendant of the case.

Financial analysis can also be utilized to identify the true standard of living of all subjects or parties to the case or investigation.

For divor
ce cases, it will help determine the correct declaration of income and expense calculations for alimony, calculations for child support and the division of property.

For criminal investigations, it will help determine if Federal, State and Local laws have been violated.  The Financial Analysis will determine if any illegal sources of income exist and determine which assets, if any, were purchased with illegal funds.  Assets purchased with illegal funds are subject to forfeiture laws and more than likely will be seized by law enforcement.

The identification of assets can assist with seizure of properties and the enforcement of judgments (Bank account levies, Wage Garnishments and Property Liens).

There is an old saying, “Numbers do not lie”, numbers paint a picture and provide a tool to help make proper decisions based on the outcome.

It is wise to bring the Financial Investigator in on a case or investigation upon initiation of a case or investigation.  The Financial Investigator can make a huge difference on the disposition of the case.  Having a Financial Investigator on your team is like having the “King of Spades”!

Working with Financial Documents
Investigative Services
Investigative Services

Investigative Services

Investigative services offered by a private investigation firm encompass a range of professional activities designed to uncover information, verify facts, and provide actionable insights for clients. These services are conducted by skilled investigators trained in research, surveillance, and data analysis. Key components of investigative services include:


  1. Background Checks: Thorough examination of an individual's personal, professional, and financial history, providing a comprehensive overview for informed decision-making.

  2. Surveillance: Observation and documentation of a subject's activities, often conducted discreetly and legally, to gather evidence or confirm information.

  3. Asset Searches: Researching and verifying an individual's financial standing, including property ownership, bank accounts, investments, and other valuable assets.

  4. Missing Persons Investigations: Efforts to locate and reunite individuals who are missing, often involving extensive research, interviews, and collaboration with law enforcement.

  5. Corporate Investigations: Examination of business-related matters, including due diligence, fraud detection, employee misconduct, and intellectual property theft.

  6. Insurance Investigations: Verification of claims, detection of fraudulent activities, and assessment of risk factors for insurance companies.

  7. Matrimonial and Infidelity Investigations: Gathering information related to marital or relationship issues, including suspicions of infidelity, hidden assets, or other relevant factors.

  8. Legal Support: Providing crucial evidence, witness statements, and documentation for legal proceedings, often in collaboration with attorneys.

  9. Forensic Services: Utilizing specialized techniques and tools to analyze digital or physical evidence, often crucial in criminal cases or complex investigations.

  10. Child Custody and Welfare Investigations: Evaluating the living conditions and circumstances of parents or guardians to determine the best interests of a child.

  11. Due Diligence: Thorough research and analysis of individuals, businesses, or investments to uncover potential risks, legal issues, or undisclosed information.

  12. Electronic Surveillance and Cyber Investigations: Utilizing technology to track, monitor, and analyze digital communications or activities, especially in cases involving cybercrimes or online threats.


Private investigation firms play a crucial role in providing accurate, reliable information to individuals, businesses, and legal entities. These services are conducted within the boundaries of applicable laws and regulations, with a strong emphasis on privacy and ethical conduct. The ultimate goal of investigative services is to equip clients with the information they need to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.

Locates abd Skip Traces

Locates and Skip Traces

Locates and Skip Traces are specialized services provided by private investigation firms to find individuals who have intentionally or unintentionally become difficult to locate.


  • Locates: This service involves tracking down individuals for various reasons, such as locating witnesses, debtors, heirs, or old acquaintances. It often combines database research, public records, and field investigations to pinpoint the current whereabouts of the person.

  • Skip Traces: Skip tracing specifically focuses on locating individuals who are intentionally evading contact or attempting to disappear, often in the context of debt collection, legal proceedings, or missing persons cases. Investigators employ advanced techniques, including digital forensics, surveillance, and discreet interviews, to trace their steps and uncover their current location.


Both services require a combination of investigative skills, access to databases, and often, creative problem-solving to overcome obstacles and locate the individual in question. It's important to note that these services must be conducted within the bounds of legal and ethical guidelines, respecting privacy and confidentiality.

Locates and Skip Traces
Pre-Employment Checks
Pre-Employment Checks

Pre-Employment Checks

Pre-employment checks conducted by private investigation firms involve thorough vetting of potential employees to ensure they meet the requirements and qualifications set by employers. These checks aim to verify a candidate's background, qualifications, and suitability for a specific role. Key components of pre-employment checks include:


  1. Criminal Background Checks: This involves researching an applicant's criminal history to assess their suitability for a particular job, especially those involving sensitive information or vulnerable populations.

  2. Employment Verification: Confirmation of a candidate's work history, including positions held, dates of employment, and reasons for leaving. This helps establish the accuracy of the information provided in the resume.

  3. Education Verification: Ensuring that a candidate's claimed academic qualifications, degrees, and certifications are legitimate and obtained from accredited institutions.

  4. Professional License and Certification Checks: Verifying that a candidate possesses the necessary licenses or certifications required for the position, particularly in regulated industries like healthcare or finance.

  5. Reference Checks: Contacting former employers, colleagues, or other professional contacts to gather insights into the candidate's work ethic, skills, and suitability for the role.

  6. Credit History Checks (if applicable): Assessing a candidate's financial responsibility, which may be relevant for roles that involve handling money, financial transactions, or accessing sensitive financial information.

  7. Social Media Screening: Conducting a review of a candidate's online presence to ensure their behavior and activities align with the company's values and expectations.

  8. Drug and Alcohol Testing (if applicable): Conducting screenings to ensure candidates meet specific substance-abuse policies, particularly for safety-sensitive roles.

  9. Civil Litigation and Bankruptcy Checks: Researching any past or ongoing legal disputes or financial challenges that might impact the candidate's suitability for the role.

  10. Identity Verification: Confirming that the candidate is who they claim to be and has the legal right to work in the country.


Pre-employment checks are crucial for employers to make informed hiring decisions, safeguard their workplace, and mitigate potential risks associated with new hires. It's essential that these checks are conducted in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, with respect for candidate privacy and confidentiality.

Photography and Video

Specialized Databases

Specialized databases are essential tools for private investigation firms, providing access to a wide range of information crucial for conducting thorough and effective investigations. These databases offer access to various types of records, documents, and data sources that may not be readily available to the general public. Some examples of specialized databases for private investigation firms include:


  1. Criminal Records Databases: These repositories contain information about an individual's criminal history, including arrests, convictions, and sentencing details.

  2. Background Check Databases: These platforms aggregate data from multiple sources to provide comprehensive background information on individuals, including employment history, education, financial records, and more.

  3. Public Records Databases: These sources compile publicly available records such as property records, court documents, marriage and divorce records, and other official documents that can be relevant to investigations.

  4. Social Media Intelligence Tools: These platforms allow investigators to search, monitor, and analyze social media profiles and activity to gather insights into a subject's behavior, interests, and connections.

  5. Asset Search Databases: These resources help investigators identify an individual's financial assets, including real estate holdings, bank accounts, vehicles, and other valuable possessions.

  6. License and Certification Databases: These repositories provide information about professional licenses, certifications, and qualifications held by individuals, which can be crucial in assessing their suitability for certain roles.

  7. Corporate and Business Databases: These platforms offer information about companies, including ownership details, financial records, regulatory filings, and business relationships.

  8. Court Records Databases: These databases contain information on legal proceedings, including civil and criminal cases, judgments, and court orders.

  9. Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) Databases: These sources provide details about an individual's driving history, including traffic violations, accidents, and license status.

  10. Law Enforcement Databases: Some private investigators may have access to specific law enforcement databases that contain sensitive information relevant to ongoing investigations.

  11. Subscription-based Investigative Platforms: Some private investigation firms subscribe to specialized platforms that aggregate data from multiple sources, providing a one-stop-shop for various types of information.


It's important to note that access to specialized databases is subject to legal and regulatory restrictions, and private investigators must ensure that they operate within the bounds of applicable laws and guidelines. Additionally, they should prioritize privacy and confidentiality in handling any obtained information.

short description of Surveillance Photography and Video for private investigation firm


Specialized Databases
Photography & Video Surveillance

Photography & Video Surveillance

Surveillance photography and video are critical components of private investigation services. They involve the systematic and discreet capture of visual evidence to support investigations. Here's a short description of these techniques:


  • Surveillance Photography: This entails the skillful use of cameras to document a subject's activities, movements, and interactions in public spaces. Private investigators may use various types of cameras, including digital, video, or specialized equipment for long-range or covert photography. The goal is to capture clear and relevant images that can serve as evidence in an investigation.

  • Surveillance Video: This involves recording a subject's actions in real-time using video cameras. The footage can provide a more comprehensive view of a subject's behavior and activities over an extended period. Video surveillance is particularly useful in situations where detailed documentation is necessary.


Both surveillance photography and video play crucial roles in a variety of investigations, including those related to infidelity, insurance fraud, legal cases, and corporate espionage, among others. However, it's important to conduct surveillance ethically and within the boundaries of applicable laws and regulations, respecting privacy rights and maintaining confidentiality.

1286 University Avenue

Suite # 740
San Diego, CA 92103


(619) 251-7898

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